Sunday, December 30, 2007

Go gently into the new year....

Or, run like hell to get there. Either way, see you in 2008. Happy New Year!

"Let there be nothing within thee that is not very beautiful and very gentle, and there will be nothing without thee that is not beautiful and softened by the spell of thy presence."
James Allen 1864-1912, Author of As A Man Thinketh

I thinketh I will run, swim and bike my way through at least part of 2008. Somebody needs to inspire me to ride more. That, I suppose, will have to be my resolution. I will ride my bike more and try to run less. Either that, or I will write a training guide on how to complete an ironman by running alone. That just might be a great challenge idea. Hmmmm.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

I'm back!

Today's Chinese fortune: A man and woman will shortly annoy you

That could be everday for me. Unless of course I never leave my house, but even then I guess people could call or email. So, I wonder who it will be? Please, annoy me, I dare you....

My training has been suffering and therefore I have been not quite myself. Now that the holiday season is tapering, maybe life will be sane again. Ha ha. I just moved and that took some energy. We are still settling in to the new place, but we love it.

The pool has been closed due to some chemical fuck-up, so I'm really off of my swim rountine. I went for a longish bike ride the other day and realized how not conditioned my poor butt is. I need to spend some quality time toughening up my tender rear. The riding from my new place is awesome. There are so many directions to go long. I even enjoy the running right from my door. I just wish the days were longer. Luckily I have 2 more seasons of Sex and the City to ride my trainer to. That should get me through a few more weeks of short days. Don't knock it till you try it.

Glad we all made it through one more season of consumer madness. Off to drink more coffee.