Monday, March 31, 2008

I'm not entirely sure why, but my enthusiasm for my upcoming race just took a dive this weekend. It was like I could care less. I took all of Saturday off to spend with my daughter, while Calvin went fishing for the weekend for his birthday. I just couldn't face another long training day while juggling being mom, too. I really had to rally to get on the bike Sunday. I feel fine physically, but my heart wasn't in it. I just kept thinking, I'm as ready as I'm gonna be. Now, today, I started to get a little panicky about my lackadaisical attitude and went for two runs. AM and PM.

I hope my attitude continues to improve. It was bound to happen eventually. I am so self motivated normally. I truly enjoy the training, it's the racing that really freaks my out. Maybe as I am getting closer to the event I am trying to sabotage myself. Shit. Maybe it's my brother's wedding this weekend where I will have to see my whole family, yikes....

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