Thursday, January 31, 2008

Too busy training, still not training enough

I still have that pile of swim workouts to post, but for now, here is today's 6am blast off:


2 x 200 swim: free, back, free, breast by 25's
2 x 200 kick: free, back, free breast by 50's
2 x 200 pull

Main Set-- all freestyle increasing in speed

100 rest 15 sec
200 rest 30 sec
300 rest 45 sec
400 rest 60 sec
300 rest 45 sec
200 rest 30 sec
100 rest 15 sec

Cool down

I have to admit, I am starting to feel nervous about the big Arizona tri coming up. I am not looking forward to the mass swim start in that weird cement so-called-river. The last time I swam in open water, I had a panic attack, unrelated to the swim, but most likely made worse by it. And the bike, well, with all these cyclists around, it makes one feel pretty inadequate when it comes to cycling. The running, that's not stressful, but all those miles on asphalt and cement....ugh. So, those are some of my concerns and I think it's important to get them out there.

Today I did the above posted swim workout, then got on my bike for 90 minutes. I have a big training workout planned, if the weather permits. My legs have been feeling unusually tight and my shoulders are killing me! Back to yoga, I think. See why I don't have time to blog anymore?? I'm not even dating anyone!

Saturday, January 26, 2008


If you have ever been to Santa Ynez, you know this is no ordinary sight. I took this photo on my way up to run in the snow. We have had more rain in the last few days than all of last year. It's great and we desperately need it, but it's hell on my bike training!

I have had a couple of lectures from my bike riding friends about getting on my bike more. I thought I was doing pretty good, but apparently not good enough. So, with all this rain and the impending Ironman, I have set up my bike trainer more than any small blonde woman should have to. I have started on the Firefly series now and that seems to be good entertainment for the hell of training indoors. I have been running in the rain, as this doesn't bother me too much, in fact it's a fun change.

I have plenty of swim workouts I intend to post. Our coach is in Australia at the moment, but he so kindly left us with workouts to tackle in his absence.

More later...
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