Monday, August 20, 2007

AC Trail Work Completed

I spent the weekend in the Angeles Forest, out of the smoke filled skies of Santa Barbara County. I met a group of guys in Pasadena early Saturday morning to do some trail work on the very trail we would be running, most likely in the dark, at AC100. I say a group of 'guys' since the women doing the race have apparently already finished their trail work, being the more organized of the sexes. Where does that leave me?? Let's just say, it wasn't so bad being a less organized female.

I camped overnight and got out early for a run Sunday morning, with another runner, up to Mt. Baden-Powell. I would like to have gone farther, but had to get back to Santa Ynez for the kids piano recital. I had to show up straight from the road, not having showered in 2 days and run/hiked many miles in the heat. But, I made it, despite the 3 motorcycle accidents on the Angeles Hwy, the awful traffic, where there has never been traffic before, and all the terrible drivers on the road.

I met some amazing runners, who, upon meeting, would never tell you they are so good. It is only by their friends or checking their results, that you would know how awesome they are. One runner, Guillermo, has just moved to my area and was asking me about trails to run. I thought I heard someone say he won AC a couple of years back, and sure enough, he won in 2005. WON! I spent some time with another runner who kept insisting he wasn't that fast, but someone else says he just won a local marathon. Once again, WON! So, when I say, I'm not fast, I mean it. But, I'm not buying it from the crowd I met this weekend.

I'm not sure if I feel more intimidated about this race or less, after this weekend. I'm certainly going to try to get back to the course and do at least one more long training run out there. It's good to have the mandatory trail work done. It was great to meet Hal Winton, the race director, and hear stories of past races and all of the obstacles they have had to deal with, like road closures and fires. It was definitely good to connect with some of the other runners and feel like part of the ultra world. Let me tell you, it is definitely another world.

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