Friday, August 17, 2007

Runs with Fire

I awoke once again to a bright orange sun and smoke filled skies yesterday. I decided to try going south, to Santa Barbara, to do a trail run. It was even worse in SB. I could see the ash like silvery snow coming down and when I stepped out of my car, my black shirt was covered with grey specks. I went running anyway, although I thought it was a little odd that there were no other cars at the trailhead. As I went higher up, toward Camino Cielo Rd, I could actually feel the heat from the fire and the smoke and ash were really bad. I started to get a little nervous, and turned around. I still got in a 2 hour run and didn't feel too bad from the smoke.
When I got to the bottom, the forest service people were waiting and scolded me for being out in such poor conditions and told me the forest was closed. From Cuyama to Ventura, no access! I still can't believe the fire has endured this long. It's a good thing I am going to the Angeles Forest this weekend for trail work and running.

The sky doesn't look much better this morning, but I'm going out anyway. I guess I should just enjoy the lovely orange and red sunrise and mushroom clouds over the mountains. The yellowy sky doesn't do much for me, it just looks like smog. My camera battery died and the charger is half here and half in Utah, so until the two pieces are reunited, I will not have pictures to post.
Anyone have advice on training in bad air conditions? They say the forest will be closed until at least mid September.

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