Friday, August 10, 2007

What's a Switchback?

Phoebe finally made it to the top of Grass Mountain. I think I will change the name to "What's a switchback?" Mountain, due to the no f*cking around, straight up nature of the trail. Besides Grass Mountain sounds lame. This is a training run worthy of the speedgoats in Utah. I'm going to start timing myself and try to increase my speed. Too bad this area is private property, so there is no good information on the mileage and elevation gain. Looks like I will have to invest in one of those crazy watches with the altimeter and such. I see the benefit of all the new gear, I'm just more interested in things like new trail shoes and running skirts, now those things are interesting!

I did a second run on the Jesusita trail yesterday at dusk. The fire made for a lovely sunset. All red and orange and eerie. We have to appreciate the beautiful accidents in life. I was really fatigued before the run, but felt great during. I'm always surprised when this happens, but I like to think that means I am getting stronger.

I have been running so much recently, that so many of my calories are coming from hammer gel, heed and the occasional larabar. I wonder if this is healthy? I have been so tired at night , though, that sleep has been really blissful.

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