Saturday, November 17, 2007

Girls Rule in the Pool!

I'm on my third cup of coffee and heading off to work, instead of a run. This is a total drag, but I'm hoping to get out later today and tomorrow, of course. I totally schooled the boys in my new lane Thursday at swim. I started off, repectfully, swimming last and ended up halfway through the workout, leading. When coach Mike told me to go first, the guys' faces dropped and they were like, are we slower?? They are great guys and maybe it was just an off day for them. What's worse is that the other person in the lane was also a woman and she ended up second and the boys, last. In the locker room she says, "did you see their faces when he told them to go last??" It was kinda lovely. I'm sure I'll never run faster than them, so I have to take it where I can.

I actually got out for a long ride (on my bike!) Wednesday. It was a very warm fall day, about 95 degrees. There is a time trial class at my local bike shop that I think I will try next week. We bring our trainer and bike and watch a video or something. It sounds like a bike geek spin class, but what the heck, I'll go.

Go on, get outside and do something fun!!

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