Friday, November 30, 2007

Ultra Busy

My life is insanely busy right now, but good. SB9T ultra was totally awesome. I love that course! I felt really strong and definitely could have gone faster. I did the 37 mile version of the 35 mile course. A well intentioned girl from Pennsylvania (yeah, I know) insisted I was going the wrong direction and of course I trusted her, so we went a bit out of our way. I am packing to go to SF this morning for the next race on my list. I don't know if I am recovered enough, but who cares.

Swimming yesterday was all about counting strokes and trying to reduce the number per lap, while maintaining the same speed. I enjoyed the workout and was able to get my stroke count to a consistent 17. It's interesting because one of the guys in my lane is very tall and has a stroke count of 20. Reach, Micah, reach.

It's raining here in Santa Ynez. I had no idea it was supposed to rain, but man, do we need it. Luckily, the forecast is clear up north where my race is and the rain is just for us parched people in the south. I will find out tomorrow if I got into Western States through the lottery. Cross your fingers for me. I already have people wanting to pace me, but if I don't get in, I think I will try to pace someone.

Back to my crazy busy life. Get outside and play this weekend!


Debbie said...

Hey Knutsen, sounds like you did really well. I'm getting my shit together for my stealth Birthday Challenge. Don't forget my 38 80's songs, dude. :) Email the list to gert at around Jan, 5th or so. I can't wait to see how many of the worst songs of the 80's are already freely circulating in my Ipod. More later, Love you, Flappy McDootlers

Debbie said...

Dr Awesome, I need updates STAT!