Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Tri Training Begins

Yesterday's swim workout:

4 x 100 swim/drill

4 x 100 kick: free/fly, free/back, free/fly, free/back (with zoomers)

4 x 100 pull, descending

100, 200, 300, 200, 100 (can't remember the times exactly)

8 x 50 (2 each at a set time, getting faster)

There wasn't a whole lot of hangin' out at the wall in this workout. I went for a run in the afternoon and felt great going up hill, but down still bothers my ankles a little. When I was in Arizona, I came up with the idea of cutting my shoe so it would no longer hit my ankle bone. This turned out to be genius, as I was able to run fairly pain free and now have shoes that allow for this injury to heal a bit better. The problem was that each time I run, my shoes would hit the ankle bone and perpetuate the swelling.

I finally got a good ride in on Sunday, so I guess I am officially training for Ironman. All I can really think about now, though, is 9 Trails. The ride went well and as always, I was thinking why don't I do this more often? It's really relaxing and so kind to your body compared to running. I got to check out the ironman course in AZ, and it doesn't look too daunting. The mass swim start sounds awful, though. Ugh.

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