Thursday, March 6, 2008

It's so grand to feel well again!! Life is just better when you don't have to drag your sick, tired, sorry ass outta bed every morning. I woke up today at 4:50 am and thought, great, time to get up and go to the pool. And, it wasn't like Oh Great...time to get up, but just plain ole great.

200 free
200 drill: 6/3, scull, catch-up, zipper
200 kick: back/fly
200 pull

8 x 50 (:50)
4 x 100 (1:45)
2 x 200 (3:30)
400...keeping same pace as others

200 cool down

So, I received the "energ-ease" and have taken them twice before a workout. The first time I can't say I noticed a difference, but this morning I seemed to have a lot of energy. I don't know it that is because I am feeling better finally or if the stuff really works. I think I will have to keep testing it. I can say for sure, though, that the recover-ease is great. It was reviewed by industry watch dog Supplement and got a great review. The ererg-ease also got a great review and I was surprised to see cordyceps as the first ingredient. I have been taking my cordyceps mostly as a hangover cure. Now I know another reason to take it. Ginseng (3 different types ) is also in the ingredients. I have always liked ginseng for energy. I think it affects everyone differently, though.

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