Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Feelin' Froggy?

Abigail just turned 9 and this toad crashed her party. The girls named him "Rumpy".
Go 4 it! (really lame, I know)

4 x 150: free, back, free

4 x 100 kick: free, back

4 x 75 pull (with paddles) breathing every 3, every 5, every 3

4 x 150 free, breast, free

4 x 100 kick: free, breast (no zoomers)

4 x 75 pull (same as above)

Green, because the breaststroke makes me feel so froggy.

Either the workout was tough or I was tired from the weekend. Stupid breaststroke, it makes you feel so slow. The paddles are great for building the strength in my arms. I can really feel it after pulling for a while. I spent some time in the pool on Sunday and mostly did pull with my paddles and my arms were fatigued. I rode 5 hours 5 minutes on Sunday as well. I felt strong till the end, which I know is a good sign. On Saturday I ran about 2 hours 45 minutes. It was a very hilly run and steep enough that I was able to keep up with some pro cyclists for a bit and shoot the shit. That rhymed, did you like that Justin? Anyhow, I ended up seeing the same group on Sunday while I was cycling. I wasn't able to stay with them very long on the bike, but I gave it my best shot. The weather is divine right now. Low 70's, slightly breezy, jasmine wafting through the air, okay, I don't know about the jasmine, but it is lovely here. Pro triathletes are here in full force right now.

Now that I have successfully moved my business, I hope to be more focused on my training as I am supposed to be in the peak stages of tough, long workouts. This weekend I hope to do the Solvang Century. I've lived here 8 years and have yet to participate in this ride. I usually just try to avoid all the asshole cyclist that come to town for this event. Yikes, am I one of them now?? Of course not, I'm still just a runner who rides a bike.

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