Thursday, March 20, 2008

Well, Mike mixed it up a bit today. It was fun and tiring.

2 x 50 free/ drill
2 x 50 free/ back
2 x 50 free/ breast
2 x 50 free/ drill

2 x 50 fly/ free
2 x 50 free/ back
2 x 50 back/ dolphin
2 x 50 breast/ breast

8 x 100 IM ( substitute free if you can't do fly)

8 x 50 pull descending 1-4, 5-8

4 x 50 descending

cool down

I was sitting at the Bulldog Cafe after swim this morning, like Kristine and I always do on Thursdays. A woman was wearing a bike jersey that said Hoodoo 500 or some such race, so we got to talking. Turns out that she is the Planet Ultra lady of She is here doing a Santa Ynez Valley tour with a group of cyclists. She told us about a southern Utah tour in August that sounds just awesome. I am very interested, especially because she said they would really like to have a massage therapist in the group and they would haul my table around for me. It would be like a working vacation. Cycle all day, then massage a little in the evening and make some money. Hmmmm, I am definitely looking into this.

I'm not loving the weather right now, but I've got to get out on my bike for a couple of hours. Maybe the sun will come out soon.

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